D&E L-3 Mountains
Made using Ben Neal’s 2-10-2 Source Files Based of the USRA Heavy Mountain Design, these somewhat ugly beasts were built in 1929 with a total of 30 for mixed traffic service, these engines provide their reliability almost everywhere on the system, from the Northeastern USA hauling nearly two mile long freight trains to Atlantic Canada where they could be seen hauling commuters across town.
The entire fleet was converted to burn oil for expanded route availability during the 1940s, making them more mandatory for heavier trains, but despite their success, the L-3s were beginning to show their age, and starting in 1958, the L-3 fleet was slowly retired, with the last ones withdrawn in 1960, and all of them cut up by 1964, or were they…
Rumors began circulating in the 70s that L-3 #5227 was believed to be still around, abandoned at a factory, but its remains wouldn’t be discovered until the late 70s, and with some digging out and restoration work back to its original glory, it is now preserved at the Lindley Railroad Museum.
Works in:
Trainz 2019
Trainz 2022